
please visit the guestbook as well

welcome to what i hope may be a growing project on the web for discussing and relating stories regarding obesity and weight loss

for now the site contains my story, but i want to hear from my visitors as well and hopefully we can build upon what i have already started. contact me here if you have any ideas or questions and please sign the guestbook.

finally, this site does contain some harsh language due to the honest subject matter. you have been warned. thank you for coming and i hope you enjoy my hard work.




this site is best viewed in microsoft internet explorer.

this site also requires apple quicktime (quicktime is available for pc's as well) and macromedia flash to view the majority of its features, though i am working on html versions of the flash content. so visit again or e-mail me. be warned that file sizes can be rather large, so be patient. ;)

click the links above to download the software needed.

all contents of this website (except for music) ©opyright 2001-2002 robb stilson